Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics


Fear and Compassion in Close Relationships

We can rationally understand that fear leads to the dark side yet not be aware of how it shapes our relationships because we are inmersed in our emotions unable to see beyond ourselves. Here I share ways to deal with someones fear and what to do with our own. Thanks for watching the video, caring and sharing with others. You can leave your comments or questions below.

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 15- Fighting and Separating

I feel tired. Many things do not make sense. How can one soul be so extremely different from the personal self? There are some pieces missing in this whole puzzle. All I know is what happens as the relationship unfolds and what I am able to understand from the experience. There are times when stepping back is the best thing to gain a new perspective. Maybe, one day, things will be as crystal clear as they can get. Meanwhile my desire for understanding this interaction goes through certainty and doubt according to events that appear on the way. Here I […]