Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics

Awakening, Welcome

We will share, mostly through videos and some written articles, a process of awakening to a new level of consciousness where we become more aligned with the spiritual realm. You are welcome to participate with your experiences, comments and questions below the videos or articles that resonate with you. Also, you can subscribe to be notified when new updates are posted.

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Featured Articles

Understanding the Difference Between Soul Mate and Twin Flame

At the soul level we can have different types of connection with others. There are certain traits that can make a connection more a karmic relationship rather than a soul mate relationship. When we do not resolve pending matters with someone it becomes a karmic relationship and we recreate what was not resolved so that we can deal with it...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 21- Exploding into Oblivion

The end of the road has clearly appeared as this last chapter unfolded. It has called my attention that it all ends in chapter 21 and not chapter 20 as I thought. What has come to my mind is the last card of the major arcana in Tarot which is the Universe (#21). The title for this chapter came before...

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Empowerment in Action

We need to retrieve the power we have given the system by becoming aware of the dysfunctionality we live in and recreate a new human through inner transformation. If we keep feeding this system we will empower the dysfunction, the power struggles, the wars, the greed and step away from what most of us want: peace, love, trust, respect, freedom,...

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Can We Experience Unconditional Love?

Here we offer some insights regarding this subject. We can all experience it! We need to allow ourselves to open up to our higher dimensions of existence, let the Higher Self integrate more into our daily lives. There are many ways to reach this alignment. Each one of us has to find the way that works best for us. I...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 15- Fighting and Separating

I feel tired. Many things do not make sense. How can one soul be so extremely different from the personal self? There are some pieces missing in this whole puzzle. All I know is what happens as the relationship unfolds and what I am able to understand from the experience. There are times when stepping back is the best thing...

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Cultivating Conscious Relationships

The need for creating conscious relationships springs from realizing how much we have adapted to live in a very dysfunctional world where we have lost the connection to our true self and the depths of our heart. I normally differentiate between the desires of the ego that we believe express through the heart and the alignment with the soul which...

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Understaning the Twin Flame Labels

The TF community, all over the world, has used certain terms that are used to refer to the experiences that most people are having, and the labels used limit and condition our experience, especially if we adopt them without inner contemplation.  Given that we are facing these awkward connections from beliefs that we have learned about relationships, we must go...

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About Goy

Practices Psychosomatic Therapy since 1993, specialized in stress management and emotional balancing at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. Studied Psychosynthesis in San Francisco and includes Jin Shin Jyutsu and Craneal Sacral Therapy in her practice. Has also conducted radio shows for personal growth since 1987 and is founder of Grupo Serenidad which focuses on alternative health care and spiritual awakening. Más
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