Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics

Awakening, Welcome

We will share, mostly through videos and some written articles, a process of awakening to a new level of consciousness where we become more aligned with the spiritual realm. You are welcome to participate with your experiences, comments and questions below the videos or articles that resonate with you. Also, you can subscribe to be notified when new updates are posted.

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Featured Articles

Merging of Souls

During a session of breathing therapy I had an experience that changed my life completely. It is amazing to feel the power of being touched in the soul. It is quite different than being touched in the emotional heart. Breath and relax, it can certainly happen, be open and let go of everything. Here I share how it happened to...

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What Is The Opposite Of Love?

I will do a short review for the understanding of the rational mind. Most of the time we believe that the opposite of love is hate. That is the main idea that comes to mind when we think about this question. However, we have heard spiritual teachers say that the opposite of love is not hate but fear. Most of...

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Can We Experience Unconditional Love?

Here we offer some insights regarding this subject. We can all experience it! We need to allow ourselves to open up to our higher dimensions of existence, let the Higher Self integrate more into our daily lives. There are many ways to reach this alignment. Each one of us has to find the way that works best for us. I...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 10- Conclusions of the Journey

[subscribe2] If there is anything I would like to repeat about the journey is that we need to realize how our behavior has been conditioned. We think we are something that we truly are not. We all talk about us being light, being spirit, yet we just talk about it. Most people don´t really know what that means. The way...

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Differences Between a Personal and a Spiritual Relationship

There is a lot of confusion regarding what can be called a soul mate relationship, a karmic relationship, a personal relationship and a twin flame relationship. We can only appeal to our sense of inner perception to realize the differences between these types of relations we encounter in life. Therefore, there are many possibilities yet we can reach certain consensus...

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Spiritual Teachings Can Guide Our Life In Spite Of Its Origin

This first experience with a spiritual teacher happened in my adolescent stage. All the readings I had done were a great guidance but to watch Master Yoda in action was the most amazing experience. Here I share what touched me and why. Feel free to share and comment regarding your experiences with spiritual teachings.

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 6- Second Step Towards Unconditional Love with Lucid Dreaming

Through a very vivid dream I came to understand something else about unconditional love that I never expected. The challenge was to process that experience in the personal life so that it fully integrates in my being. It is amazing how long it can take to manifest a teaching yet the consistent work with oneself is the key and it...

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About Goy

Practices Psychosomatic Therapy since 1993, specialized in stress management and emotional balancing at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. Studied Psychosynthesis in San Francisco and includes Jin Shin Jyutsu and Craneal Sacral Therapy in her practice. Has also conducted radio shows for personal growth since 1987 and is founder of Grupo Serenidad which focuses on alternative health care and spiritual awakening. Más
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