Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics

Awakening, Welcome

We will share, mostly through videos and some written articles, a process of awakening to a new level of consciousness where we become more aligned with the spiritual realm. You are welcome to participate with your experiences, comments and questions below the videos or articles that resonate with you. Also, you can subscribe to be notified when new updates are posted.

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Featured Articles

A Spiritual Quest- Part 2- Deaths of Disciples

As I was joining, little by little, the inner circle of this teacher I got to know them better. I was not invited to the field trips they did just yet, but I was part of the martial arts classes and I was in contact with them. There was a very secretive environment around all they did and the Master...

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What Does It Mean To Be Who We Truly Are?

Last night I watched The Crimson Wing, a Disney documentary about the Flamingos in Tanzania and as I watched I wondered about what it is to be who we are in our true nature. I saw them mating, hatching, growing, moving, flying and asked myself how do they know when to go here or there, when to mate and where....

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 19- Disconnecting from the Source

Life is so much more interesting and powerful when we are connected to our inner source and spiritual existence yet sometimes it is helpful to disconnect just to get a perspective of things. Here I share that experience and I hope it is of help to your own process. Please, leave your comments or questions below.

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 7- Past Life Regression Impact

At this point I was not much in contact with him but rather focused on my own issues. So, I met Dayna and wanted to try a past life regression with hypnotherapy. It was super intense and had nothing to do with my body weight. After the regression I researched about what might have happened 6 thousand years BCE and...

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Is Self-Love A Feeling?

Our instinctual nature shows us love as a feeling towards someone or something and it is, but that is just the starting point of the experience of love. Since it is so natural we tend to stick with our earliest idea of love as a feeling, yet as we enter this journey of awakening and experience other possibilities, we can...

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A Spiritual Quest- Part 4- From Teacher To Partner

Could he find a way of making me treat him the same way the others did? Maybe not, be he found a way to subdue me through more personal emotions. Why would he want me to fall in love with him when he had an intimate relationship already? I will never know his real intention but that made him separate...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 16- Controlling Impulses

Decades ago I was given a task that just now it is becoming clear how difficult it can be for a regular human being to widen its horizons to reach as deep as we can go inside ourselves. Control is a word that has many interpretations and it can move many things on people. Yet, really going to the depth...

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About Goy

Practices Psychosomatic Therapy since 1993, specialized in stress management and emotional balancing at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. Studied Psychosynthesis in San Francisco and includes Jin Shin Jyutsu and Craneal Sacral Therapy in her practice. Has also conducted radio shows for personal growth since 1987 and is founder of Grupo Serenidad which focuses on alternative health care and spiritual awakening. Más
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