Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics

Awakening, Welcome

We will share, mostly through videos and some written articles, a process of awakening to a new level of consciousness where we become more aligned with the spiritual realm. You are welcome to participate with your experiences, comments and questions below the videos or articles that resonate with you. Also, you can subscribe to be notified when new updates are posted.

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Featured Articles

Empowerment in Action

We need to retrieve the power we have given the system by becoming aware of the dysfunctionality we live in and recreate a new human through inner transformation. If we keep feeding this system we will empower the dysfunction, the power struggles, the wars, the greed and step away from what most of us want: peace, love, trust, respect, freedom,...

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The Twin Flame Myth, what are we missing?

In the last couple of years, the concept and experiences of Twin Flames has picked up in attention. Among all the things happening on the Planet, the changes, the awakenings, the movement of energy, the planetary birth to new possibilities out of the comfort zone of conditioned societies, we are experiencing also deep connections with mystical relevance that can fit...

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A Spiritual Quest- Part 2- Deaths of Disciples

As I was joining, little by little, the inner circle of this teacher I got to know them better. I was not invited to the field trips they did just yet, but I was part of the martial arts classes and I was in contact with them. There was a very secretive environment around all they did and the Master...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 15- Fighting and Separating

I feel tired. Many things do not make sense. How can one soul be so extremely different from the personal self? There are some pieces missing in this whole puzzle. All I know is what happens as the relationship unfolds and what I am able to understand from the experience. There are times when stepping back is the best thing...

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The Fear of Letting Go

Most of us, humans, live our lives attached to someone or something. It could even be a belief that we are attached to. Sometimes, those attachments serves us to pursue a dream and reach a goal. Yet, we can also acknowledge that attachment is a great source of suffering. If we don’t have this or that, we suffer. If we...

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Twin Flame Story: Chapter One- The Meeting

I will share, on a weekly basis and divided by chapters, a story about personal and spiritual relationships and how we need to undergo a process of transformation from one level to the other. I will bring all the personal doubts and the spiritual confirmations, the rational mind and the abstract thought process. I hope that the process that will...

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 6- Second Step Towards Unconditional Love with Lucid Dreaming

Through a very vivid dream I came to understand something else about unconditional love that I never expected. The challenge was to process that experience in the personal life so that it fully integrates in my being. It is amazing how long it can take to manifest a teaching yet the consistent work with oneself is the key and it...

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About Goy

Practices Psychosomatic Therapy since 1993, specialized in stress management and emotional balancing at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. Studied Psychosynthesis in San Francisco and includes Jin Shin Jyutsu and Craneal Sacral Therapy in her practice. Has also conducted radio shows for personal growth since 1987 and is founder of Grupo Serenidad which focuses on alternative health care and spiritual awakening. Más
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