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A Spiritual Quest- Part 7- Letting Go Of An Egocentric Teacher

Reaching the end of the journey with the teacher was a challenge for all of us. We had to go through a lot of inner discernment, many doubts, many crisis, a lot of questioning. We share a common history and the fact that we were able to get out of that “sect”. As spiritual seekers we realized that it is finally all inside us and that our attention must concentrate in that inner journey while still remaning open to all that surrounds us. Depending on a teacher has its good and not so good sides. I know for sure that […]

A Spiritual Quest- Part 6- Kidnapping And The False Prophet Synchronicity

The synchronicity of the events that happened in 2002 with the meeting of ex-disciples and what we wanted to accomplish by sharing our story in the radio show, how it was blocked by circumstances, and how it ended up happening, is quite interesting. Though the “master” had nothing to do with the kidnapping, the interconnection of energies that related one experience to the other was very surprising.

A Spiritual Quest- Part 5- Meeting Of Ex-Disciples

After a couple of years that we didn’t see each other we were able to meet thanks to V’s. encounter with the Master. When we sat and shared our stories it was so intense that the other female disciple that was with us had a nervous breakdown. They did not know about the kind of relationship the Master had with me. Meeting was like putting pieces of a puzzle together and it was the beginning of a relieving process for us all. It took a while for us to readjust to a new life without him or the need for […]

A Spiritual Quest- Part 4- From Teacher To Partner

Could he find a way of making me treat him the same way the others did? Maybe not, be he found a way to subdue me through more personal emotions. Why would he want me to fall in love with him when he had an intimate relationship already? I will never know his real intention but that made him separate me from the group. He will now come to visit me whenever he “could”. I didn’t know his desire to separate me from the disciples was because I didn’t treat him like the rest. I realized that when we had […]

A Spiritual Quest- Part 3- A Warning From The Other Side

Many things happened since 1993, when I met him, until year 2000. It was always mesmerizing to be around him as part of the disciple group. We were always with our eyes open to see what he did and our ears eager to listen to any teaching at any given moment. That is why being around all day long was important to us, because we had this expectation of a teaching. There was a time when he separated me from the group for reasons I will share in the next video. This one focuses on some of the experiences that […]

A Spiritual Quest- Part 2- Deaths of Disciples

As I was joining, little by little, the inner circle of this teacher I got to know them better. I was not invited to the field trips they did just yet, but I was part of the martial arts classes and I was in contact with them. There was a very secretive environment around all they did and the Master always knew better than anybody else. Here I share very intense experiences. [subscribe2]

A Spiritual Quest- Part 1- Meeting The Teacher

Our search for who we are can takes us through many journeys. The search for spiritual guidance is a major need for someone who is curious about spiritual dimensions of being and doesn’t know how to cultivate inner awareness. In a world where this need has become stronger with time we could fall prey to charismatic spiritual leaders that lack clear values, yet what we do with the experiences is what counts. As I just read: we are free to choose a path but we are not free of the consequences of our choices. I will share a process that […]

Differences Between a Personal and a Spiritual Relationship

There is a lot of confusion regarding what can be called a soul mate relationship, a karmic relationship, a personal relationship and a twin flame relationship. We can only appeal to our sense of inner perception to realize the differences between these types of relations we encounter in life. Therefore, there are many possibilities yet we can reach certain consensus regarding our understanding of our experiences. Here I share some insights using philosophical and biological inputs relating to this matter. Hope it is helpful. [subscribe2]

From Knowing To Being

We can accumulate knowledge but, in our everyday life, we behave instinctively based on our programming and frequently and emotional wounds that we feel a gap between what we know and what we do. Contemplate with us some insights.

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 8- The Physical Meeting

After 4 years of internet communication he finally decided to come visit. I was really excited, so much to talk about, things to share yet always surprises appeared on the way. The story itself portrays a process of awakening and the most important teaching reveals itself in time. You can follow the process, from chapter 1, to realize how to break apart from conditioning and all the lessons that twin flame relationships can bring. Please, leave your comments, questions or experiences below and subscribe to receive updates of new posts. Thanks for watching and sharing.