Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics


Fear and Compassion in Close Relationships

We can rationally understand that fear leads to the dark side yet not be aware of how it shapes our relationships because we are inmersed in our emotions unable to see beyond ourselves. Here I share ways to deal with someones fear and what to do with our own. Thanks for watching the video, caring and sharing with others. You can leave your comments or questions below.

Awakening, Kundalini and the Physical Body

Awakening is quite a challenge at every level. The emotional, the spiritual, the mental and the physical dimensions are all involved and they all undergo a process that, even though, is all related, each dimension goes through its own transformation. In the “Fear of Letting Go” article I mentioned about Kundalini rising experiences. I just didn’t realized where they were taking me. Recognizing Kundalini energy depends on our sensitivity to its movement and the way it travels around our body. These movements can vary according to what is needed. Though it is subtle, it is very powerful and it can create havoc […]