Empowerment in Action
We need to retrieve the power we have given the system by becoming aware of the dysfunctionality we live in and recreate a new human through inner transformation. If we keep feeding this system we will empower the dysfunction, the power struggles, the wars, the greed and step away from what most of us want: peace, love, trust, respect, freedom, awareness and coherence. Just wishing a new world is not going to create it. We are so dependent on the present system that it has shaped the way we live, the way we behave and even what we believe about […]
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 8- The Physical Meeting
After 4 years of internet communication he finally decided to come visit. I was really excited, so much to talk about, things to share yet always surprises appeared on the way. The story itself portrays a process of awakening and the most important teaching reveals itself in time. You can follow the process, from chapter 1, to realize how to break apart from conditioning and all the lessons that twin flame relationships can bring. Please, leave your comments, questions or experiences below and subscribe to receive updates of new posts. Thanks for watching and sharing.