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Twin Flame Sex Dilemma

I have read so many posts about how passionate and sexual the Twin Flame relationship is for many and it still surprises me how little we understand and how easy it has been to mix and confuse Soul-Mates with TF. I will elaborate on this. First of all, I am not implying that there has to be no sex between TF’s. What has become clear is that sex is not necessary nor relevant when we awaken to the essential truth of TF’s. Though the sexual energy must be stirred in the process since it involves the movement of Kundalini Energy, […]

Doubting and Identifying Your Twin Flame

Suddenly we encounter a very intense connection with someone and we don’t quite know what is going on and what to make of it. Many have heard of Twin Flame stories and believe theirs could be another case. It can certainly be or it can just be a very intense soul relationship. So, how do we go about identifying a Twin Flame relationship? Well, to start with we need to understand that this is not a mundane physical relationship nor one that combines soul and physical connection but rather it goes higher than that and since we are focused on […]

The Fear of Letting Go

Most of us, humans, live our lives attached to someone or something. It could even be a belief that we are attached to. Sometimes, those attachments serves us to pursue a dream and reach a goal. Yet, we can also acknowledge that attachment is a great source of suffering. If we don’t have this or that, we suffer. If we are not loved by the one we want, we suffer. The Buddhist tradition is very clear about attachment and suffering and they are totally right on. Since the source of our suffering is in the mind, they focus on working […]