Twin Flame Story- Chapter 10- Conclusions of the Journey
[subscribe2] If there is anything I would like to repeat about the journey is that we need to realize how our behavior has been conditioned. We think we are something that we truly are not. We all talk about us being light, being spirit, yet we just talk about it. Most people donĀ“t really know what that means. The way we live, the way we relate, the way we think, the way we feel are all very far away from the fact that we are light. Therefore, we need to become conscious of this, or at least aware, so we […]
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 8- The Physical Meeting
After 4 years of internet communication he finally decided to come visit. I was really excited, so much to talk about, things to share yet always surprises appeared on the way. The story itself portrays a process of awakening and the most important teaching reveals itself in time. You can follow the process, from chapter 1, to realize how to break apart from conditioning and all the lessons that twin flame relationships can bring. Please, leave your comments, questions or experiences below and subscribe to receive updates of new posts. Thanks for watching and sharing.
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 7- Past Life Regression Impact
At this point I was not much in contact with him but rather focused on my own issues. So, I met Dayna and wanted to try a past life regression with hypnotherapy. It was super intense and had nothing to do with my body weight. After the regression I researched about what might have happened 6 thousand years BCE and found out it was a change of era from the Satya Yuga to the Treta Yuga and saw the similarities with the kind of relationship that could be expected those days. We are around 180 degrees from that era moving […]
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 6- Second Step Towards Unconditional Love with Lucid Dreaming
Through a very vivid dream I came to understand something else about unconditional love that I never expected. The challenge was to process that experience in the personal life so that it fully integrates in my being. It is amazing how long it can take to manifest a teaching yet the consistent work with oneself is the key and it happens. Here I share that experience and the reality of the emotional level that needed to be worked through to reach an alignment with the lesson of unconditional love. The story describes the process that ends in the teaching. Please, […]
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 11- Why Are We Encountering Our Twin Flames?
In times of major changes we need something that touches our roots so we can leap into a new paradigm, a new level of awareness. There are many ways we can evolve to a higher vibration and the meeting of the twin flame is probably one of the strongest options to realize unconditional love, spirit into matter and oneness, which is what we need to grow into these days. Please share the post and leave your comments or questions below. Also, subscribe to be updated of new posts. Thanks
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 3- Background of the Personal Interaction
It is difficult to understand other people unless we know about their history. Why he had to go through so much pain is, as well, difficult to understand, but that is what shaped his personality and ability to interact with others.
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 2- The First Sign
Once I started noticing more carefully those strange feelings of inner connectedness I needed to confirm them, but my skepticism didn’t allow me to believe in my own perceptions. So, I asked signs to the Universe. Here was the first sign and how it interacted with that doubtful mind.
Twin Flame Story: Chapter One- The Meeting
I will share, on a weekly basis and divided by chapters, a story about personal and spiritual relationships and how we need to undergo a process of transformation from one level to the other. I will bring all the personal doubts and the spiritual confirmations, the rational mind and the abstract thought process. I hope that the process that will be shared will help clarify a bit more about ways in which these kind of relationships manifest. The story describes the process that ends in the teaching. Please, share our messages and subscribe if you want to be notified of […]