Experiencing Love Beyond Suffering
This week I have relived certain memories regarding the Twin Flame Story that have moved me internally to new levels of awareness. The inner world is so vast and subtle. Learning to discern among all the levels of the mind and the spiritual dimensions is a great process. I believe I have come to delve into those subtle dimensions in a way that I can differentiante now between the government of the ego and the true inner voice. I have not reached the clarity I would like, yet, this point of inner connection allows me to distinguish certain things between […]
Life After The Twin Flame Story
7 years have passed where I had no way of blocking or disconnecting from my Twin Flame. The power of the spiritual connection was so strong and present that we would come and go in the relationship without putting a real end to it, at least at the personal level. I mentioned, in one of the chapters, that exactly one year ago I met someone that felt quite familiar as if I recognized him from past lives. The connection was so fluent and peaceful because we are resonating in similar paths and belief systems and it came as a breeze […]
Twin Flame Story- Chapter 12- The Inner Peace of Unconditional Love
It has been 7 years since I met him. The ride has been worst than the scariest rollercoaster but it had its good reasons. Understanding that the main theme of this connections is “unconditional love” took a while to accept. If it wasn’t for all the “mystical” experiences and lucid dreams I had during most of our exchange I don’t know where I would be by now. Here I share the results of the inner work I have done to align with the energy of unconditional love that I hope is of service to you. Please, share it with others […]