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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 21- Exploding into Oblivion

The end of the road has clearly appeared as this last chapter unfolded. It has called my attention that it all ends in chapter 21 and not chapter 20 as I thought. What has come to my mind is the last card of the major arcana in Tarot which is the Universe (#21). The title for this chapter came before this idea of the Universe and somehow it all relates. It feels like a supernova explosion and everything expanding all over, into oblivion. The journey has come to the end of the road in this lifetime. Uniting with the Twin […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 12- The Inner Peace of Unconditional Love

It has been 7 years since I met him. The ride has been worst than the scariest rollercoaster but it had its good reasons. Understanding that the main theme of this connections is “unconditional love” took a while to accept. If it wasn’t for all the “mystical” experiences and lucid dreams I had during most of our exchange I don’t know where I would be by now. Here I share the results of the inner work I have done to align with the energy of unconditional love that I hope is of service to you. Please, share it with others […]

The Fear of Letting Go

Most of us, humans, live our lives attached to someone or something. It could even be a belief that we are attached to. Sometimes, those attachments serves us to pursue a dream and reach a goal. Yet, we can also acknowledge that attachment is a great source of suffering. If we don’t have this or that, we suffer. If we are not loved by the one we want, we suffer. The Buddhist tradition is very clear about attachment and suffering and they are totally right on. Since the source of our suffering is in the mind, they focus on working […]