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twin flame

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 16- Controlling Impulses

Decades ago I was given a task that just now it is becoming clear how difficult it can be for a regular human being to widen its horizons to reach as deep as we can go inside ourselves. Control is a word that has many interpretations and it can move many things on people. Yet, really going to the depth of the concept is something we can grasp when we undergo a training that helps us understand its importance. Most of us live our lives as the world offers. We are not hermits or live in secluded places for inner […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 15- Fighting and Separating

I feel tired. Many things do not make sense. How can one soul be so extremely different from the personal self? There are some pieces missing in this whole puzzle. All I know is what happens as the relationship unfolds and what I am able to understand from the experience. There are times when stepping back is the best thing to gain a new perspective. Maybe, one day, things will be as crystal clear as they can get. Meanwhile my desire for understanding this interaction goes through certainty and doubt according to events that appear on the way. Here I […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 14- Reconnecting to the Spiritual Essence

Are we in need of remembering who we are, where do we come from and why are we here? For thousands of years we have given in to the power of ego. It has been inevitable, not only because it is a natural resource of the third dimension but because that is what we have cultivated mostly. The era we have lived in and the known history is all about our forgetfulness of our spiritual essence. It all has been about power, wars, beliefs that separate us and what we have done is just a response to the energy that […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 12- The Inner Peace of Unconditional Love

It has been 7 years since I met him. The ride has been worst than the scariest rollercoaster but it had its good reasons. Understanding that the main theme of this connections is “unconditional love” took a while to accept. If it wasn’t for all the “mystical” experiences and lucid dreams I had during most of our exchange I don’t know where I would be by now. Here I share the results of the inner work I have done to align with the energy of unconditional love that I hope is of service to you. Please, share it with others […]

Understanding the Difference Between Soul Mate and Twin Flame

At the soul level we can have different types of connection with others. There are certain traits that can make a connection more a karmic relationship rather than a soul mate relationship. When we do not resolve pending matters with someone it becomes a karmic relationship and we recreate what was not resolved so that we can deal with it and learn the biggest lesson of karmic relationships which is forgiveness. We also come across a kind of soul connection that I call “In Tune” soul connection which is not quite a soul mate relationship to the extent that we […]

The Split Between Ego and Soul, Personal Love and Unconditional Love

As I am preparing information for a conference regarding soul-mates I have had to delve into parts of my experience that have not been understood completely. Well, by “understood” I refer to experiences that have not been integrated by the mind and the depths of the heart and aligned with each other. One thing is to know it and see it, another is to assimilate it internally in all its dimension. Most of us live in this “split” between our humanness and our spirituality. We have spiritual experiences that show us the way, that guide us, that give us the […]

Differences Between a Personal and a Spiritual Relationship

There is a lot of confusion regarding what can be called a soul mate relationship, a karmic relationship, a personal relationship and a twin flame relationship. We can only appeal to our sense of inner perception to realize the differences between these types of relations we encounter in life. Therefore, there are many possibilities yet we can reach certain consensus regarding our understanding of our experiences. Here I share some insights using philosophical and biological inputs relating to this matter. Hope it is helpful. [subscribe2]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 8- The Physical Meeting

After 4 years of internet communication he finally decided to come visit. I was really excited, so much to talk about, things to share yet always surprises appeared on the way. The story itself portrays a process of awakening and the most important teaching reveals itself in time. You can follow the process, from chapter 1, to realize how to break apart from conditioning and all the lessons that twin flame relationships can bring. Please, leave your comments, questions or experiences below and subscribe to receive updates of new posts. Thanks for watching and sharing.

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 7- Past Life Regression Impact

At this point I was not much in contact with him but rather focused on my own issues. So, I met Dayna and wanted to try a past life regression with hypnotherapy. It was super intense and had nothing to do with my body weight. After the regression I researched about what might have happened 6 thousand years BCE and found out it was a change of era from the Satya Yuga to the Treta Yuga and saw the similarities with the kind of relationship that could be expected those days. We are around 180 degrees from that era moving […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 6- Second Step Towards Unconditional Love with Lucid Dreaming

Through a very vivid dream I came to understand something else about unconditional love that I never expected. The challenge was to process that experience in the personal life so that it fully integrates in my being. It is amazing how long it can take to manifest a teaching yet the consistent work with oneself is the key and it happens. Here I share that experience and the reality of the emotional level that needed to be worked through to reach an alignment with the lesson of unconditional love. The story describes the process that ends in the teaching. Please, […]