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soul mate

Understaning the Twin Flame Labels

The TF community, all over the world, has used certain terms that are used to refer to the experiences that most people are having, and the labels used limit and condition our experience, especially if we adopt them without inner contemplation.  Given that we are facing these awkward connections from beliefs that we have learned about relationships, we must go through an amazing process of transformation to understand this connection from a higher perspective. I will focus on some of the labels that impact the process at the psychological level: False Twin: many write about their false twin because they […]

It is OK to let go of your Twin Flame

Yes, Twin Flame encounter is like no other and it is understandable that we want to hold on to this relationship since it moves us and touches us so deeply. We can become obsessed with it and make us believe that this is what we have been looking for in love. Well, as far as love is concerned, if we have not awaken to unconditional love through any other spiritual means, then, this relationship will certainly teach us what it is. It is so powerful that stimulates the Kundalini energy. Kundalini moves in us so we can open up to […]

Doubting and Identifying Your Twin Flame

Suddenly we encounter a very intense connection with someone and we don’t quite know what is going on and what to make of it. Many have heard of Twin Flame stories and believe theirs could be another case. It can certainly be or it can just be a very intense soul relationship. So, how do we go about identifying a Twin Flame relationship? Well, to start with we need to understand that this is not a mundane physical relationship nor one that combines soul and physical connection but rather it goes higher than that and since we are focused on […]

Experiencing Love Beyond Suffering

This week I have relived certain memories regarding the Twin Flame Story that have moved me internally to new levels of awareness. The inner world is so vast and subtle. Learning to discern among all the levels of the mind and the spiritual dimensions is a great process. I believe I have come to delve into those subtle dimensions in a way that I can differentiante now between the government of the ego and the true inner voice. I have not reached the clarity I would like, yet, this point of inner connection allows me to distinguish certain things between […]

Life After The Twin Flame Story

7 years have passed where I had no way of blocking or disconnecting from my Twin Flame. The power of the spiritual connection was so strong and present that we would come and go in the relationship without putting a real end to it, at least at the personal level. I mentioned, in one of the chapters, that exactly one year ago I met someone that felt quite familiar as if I recognized him from past lives. The connection was so fluent and peaceful because we are resonating in similar paths and belief systems and it came as a breeze […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 21- Exploding into Oblivion

The end of the road has clearly appeared as this last chapter unfolded. It has called my attention that it all ends in chapter 21 and not chapter 20 as I thought. What has come to my mind is the last card of the major arcana in Tarot which is the Universe (#21). The title for this chapter came before this idea of the Universe and somehow it all relates. It feels like a supernova explosion and everything expanding all over, into oblivion. The journey has come to the end of the road in this lifetime. Uniting with the Twin […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 15- Fighting and Separating

I feel tired. Many things do not make sense. How can one soul be so extremely different from the personal self? There are some pieces missing in this whole puzzle. All I know is what happens as the relationship unfolds and what I am able to understand from the experience. There are times when stepping back is the best thing to gain a new perspective. Maybe, one day, things will be as crystal clear as they can get. Meanwhile my desire for understanding this interaction goes through certainty and doubt according to events that appear on the way. Here I […]

Twin Flame Story- Chapter 14- Reconnecting to the Spiritual Essence

Are we in need of remembering who we are, where do we come from and why are we here? For thousands of years we have given in to the power of ego. It has been inevitable, not only because it is a natural resource of the third dimension but because that is what we have cultivated mostly. The era we have lived in and the known history is all about our forgetfulness of our spiritual essence. It all has been about power, wars, beliefs that separate us and what we have done is just a response to the energy that […]

Understanding the Difference Between Soul Mate and Twin Flame

At the soul level we can have different types of connection with others. There are certain traits that can make a connection more a karmic relationship rather than a soul mate relationship. When we do not resolve pending matters with someone it becomes a karmic relationship and we recreate what was not resolved so that we can deal with it and learn the biggest lesson of karmic relationships which is forgiveness. We also come across a kind of soul connection that I call “In Tune” soul connection which is not quite a soul mate relationship to the extent that we […]

The Split Between Ego and Soul, Personal Love and Unconditional Love

As I am preparing information for a conference regarding soul-mates I have had to delve into parts of my experience that have not been understood completely. Well, by “understood” I refer to experiences that have not been integrated by the mind and the depths of the heart and aligned with each other. One thing is to know it and see it, another is to assimilate it internally in all its dimension. Most of us live in this “split” between our humanness and our spirituality. We have spiritual experiences that show us the way, that guide us, that give us the […]