Serenidad Radio Serenidad Awakening - Goy Paz Serenidad Organics

Awakening, Welcome

We will share, mostly through videos and some written articles, a process of awakening to a new level of consciousness where we become more aligned with the spiritual realm. You are welcome to participate with your experiences, comments and questions below the videos or articles that resonate with you. Also, you can subscribe to be notified when new updates are posted.

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Featured Articles

A Spiritual Quest- Part 1- Meeting The Teacher

Our search for who we are can takes us through many journeys. The search for spiritual guidance is a major need for someone who is curious about spiritual dimensions of being and doesn’t know how to cultivate inner awareness. In a world where this need has become stronger with time we could fall prey to charismatic spiritual leaders that lack...

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Tame the Ego and Transform the World

It is amazing how unaware we are of how the ego governs our world. We look into the chaos created by wars, limited religious beliefs, discrimination, deaths of innocent children and people and we feel that there is something very wrong with the power systems, there is something very wrong with this world we have created. Yet we forget that...

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Understanding the Difference Between Soul Mate and Twin Flame

At the soul level we can have different types of connection with others. There are certain traits that can make a connection more a karmic relationship rather than a soul mate relationship. When we do not resolve pending matters with someone it becomes a karmic relationship and we recreate what was not resolved so that we can deal with it...

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Awakening, Kundalini and the Physical Body

Awakening is quite a challenge at every level. The emotional, the spiritual, the mental and the physical dimensions are all involved and they all undergo a process that, even though, is all related, each dimension goes through its own transformation. In the “Fear of Letting Go” article I mentioned about Kundalini rising experiences. I just didn’t realized where they were taking me....

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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 8- The Physical Meeting

After 4 years of internet communication he finally decided to come visit. I was really excited, so much to talk about, things to share yet always surprises appeared on the way. The story itself portrays a process of awakening and the most important teaching reveals itself in time. You can follow the process, from chapter 1, to realize how to...

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Misconception Regarding the New Age Movement


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Twin Flame Story- Chapter 11- Why Are We Encountering Our Twin Flames?

In times of major changes we need something that touches our roots so we can leap into a new paradigm, a new level of awareness. There are many ways we can evolve to a higher vibration and the meeting of the twin flame is probably one of the strongest options to realize unconditional love, spirit into matter and oneness, which...

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About Goy

Practices Psychosomatic Therapy since 1993, specialized in stress management and emotional balancing at the Acupressure Institute in Berkeley. Studied Psychosynthesis in San Francisco and includes Jin Shin Jyutsu and Craneal Sacral Therapy in her practice. Has also conducted radio shows for personal growth since 1987 and is founder of Grupo Serenidad which focuses on alternative health care and spiritual awakening. Más
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